Wednesday, June 17, 2020

All in the Mind and Thoughts

"It is all in the mind. Our mindset and thoughts determine the way out life goes." - This is something that we all know. In the recent times, a lot is being said and written about it and many related topics like 'Law of Attraction'. We see articles and videos on the topic on a daily basis. I am going to add some of my perspective to this.

The reason I add to this is because in my observation, the fact that our mind and thoughts determine our life is so obvious but still so easily forgotten by almost everyone. There are so many people out there suffering from lack of focus, not getting the success they want or generally not happy with life. They like to point fingers to all external factors for their state but not many of them look within.

This is not to suggest that there are no external factors to be addressed. Of course there are. But solving these external issues will not really help till they sort out their own minds. Our thoughts, our perspectives and our mindset determine how we identify external problems and how we deal with them. 

How many of us do a 'mindset audit'? It is simply examining our own mindset and correlating it with how our life is going. Do a simple exercise - 

1. Sit quietly and note down your predominant thoughts. No need to complete this in one sitting. It may take several sittings but do it honestly and patiently.

2. Note the thoughts that take up most of your time i.e. the thoughts that take up a majority of your time. This will take time as we do not observe this thing consciously and may need some patient observation.

3. List down the top five topics that take up your thought space. Again, take your time. No need to rush it. 

4. How many of these top five are areas essential to your progress and success in life? In other words, how much thoughts, time and energy are you giving to the things that really matter to you. How much of your thought space is being taken up by unnecessary and repetitive thinking. 

5. Correlate this with the way your life is going. The answer will surprise you. 

It will tell you a lot about where your thoughts and energy are going. If you need, do this exercise more than once to refine your results but you need to be absolutely honest with yourself when you do it.

It is all in the mindset, very true. But first we need to know our mindset. This is just one of many exercises to know own mindset. Do it and I assure you you will be benefited.       

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